Thursday, February 21, 2013

Personally, I've been on hiatus.

Sense the last time I wrote we were waiting to purchase a foreclosed "dream" home, and living in a motorhome in Phil's parents back yard. We were saving money, drinking smoothies, and viewing over 100 homes for sale. We left (what we thought was our dream home) behind, and headed off to the unknown land of Bremerton for our new life. Homes were cheaper, and EXACTLY what we wanted, minus the Port Orchard "city". They were old, charming, and huge! We put about ten offers on homes, and nearly lost the bidding war on this awesome 2,500 square foot 90 year old gem of a home.

We have many projects planned for this summer! And we can't wait! Oh, and we LOVE living in Bremerton! We were meant for the city!

We moved into our home on May 17th Aspyn's (Pictured above) 5th birthday. Three weeks after moving in I had my third and final eye surgery. This surgery was performed when I was a newborn, and when I was 14 to correct a lazy eye. I had more scar tissue then the doctor had expected and my recovery time ended up being about a month and a half long. I was seeing double and was nearly blind. As a creative, a mom, wife, control freak, and new home owner this was SO hard for me! Our family also learned that our eight year old Bella has a ton of food intolerance's, including the ever so popular gluten and fructose to name a couple. Although this has been difficult, our family is adjusting daily to our new eating plan. I can now see, maybe not 20/20 but hey, thats what fabulous glasses are for! 

Okay, Blah, blah, blah!
So sorry if I am talking your brain off! But with all this craziness, and learning how to cook all over again. I'm here to say.....

I'm back, and more excited than ever about "Loriana Marie Photography"! Please stay tuned, I will be blogging a lot, and telling you about all my fun shoots and clients!

If you have not done so already please stop by my Facebook Page and give me a "Like"


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